Our Vision

To Safeguard Our Environment & Help Communities In Getting Affordable Energy Across UK

We are not for profit small body dedicated to help the provision of renewable energy and keep our planet safe from Global warming. As we all know that lot of our progress in the past century has been driven by marvels of electricity and this was made possible by burning of coals and other minerals. While extremely impressive, it came with a humungous cost. Even young kids today know that burning fossible fuels is extremely harmful for environment and will warm the climate resulting in tsunamis, floods and all sorts of other environmental disasters and as such these are rightfully considered dirty forms of energy. However many people wrongfully assume that this has only been recently discovered but this is wrong. Scientists have been warning for decades about this. However this was conveniently ignored. Sometimes the politicians ignored it because the industry created a lot of jobs or they were under pressure from excessive lobbying by Energy Firms, other times it was the rich & powerful businessmen behind these energy firms that deliberately drowned the scientists voices with propaganda. This is not something new, it was exactly the same once with Tobacco industry. Our Western countries especially the US & UK have even fought wars for these industries!

Anyway the time has come, where we are now readily seeing the impact of making a quick buck without proper planning and thought gone into now. We treated Earth like it was infinite source of energy and the consequences are here. Global Warming has already taken place, Polar caps are already melting and if the World didn’t do, we would have a major disaster in just the next 50 years! So never before has the importance of renewable energy like Wind, Water, Solar and Nuclear been more evident and we are just few poeple also trying to do our part.

In just 14 and a half seconds, our Sun provides as much energy to Earth that we can possibly use in one day! The onus is on us to use it, store it and be able to provide it to villages, towns and cities across the Globe. This means making the technology to do all this easily accessible, maintainable, repairable and most importantly affordable to the World. This is no easy task as there are lots of challenges with this with the most important being that lot of countries in Europe like UK don’t get enough Sunlight and there are lot of others challenges amonst all this as well. However we are here to help. We are doing our best to help communities in utilising this limitless clean source of energy. Our projects helps charities reduce their costs and help them achieve their missions better.

You also have the power to play a critical role in this transformation in supporting our mission and in advancement solar power. Please join us today and make this World a better and safer place to live for generations to come.

Our head office is located at:

DGS Solar Society,
120 – 123 Romford Road,
E01 0AJ
Tel: 0208 5509497